Sameer made a good point about the UI being ignored by most designs. In fact I find this very strange. As far as I understand the client or the end user firsts sees the UI. Only when that is fine do the they evaluate the other things like performance & stability.
This is not only in software development. It's in every aspect of consumerism. When you buy anything, it's got to look good before it attracts you. Only after the first impression attracts you do the other factors come into play.
However, having said that, only a good UI will not clinch the deal. It's just the first step. Can you even think of buying a good looking car that performs terribly. In short, I disagree with Sameer that only the UI matters. No, the UI is 50% of the battle. The other stuff is the other 50%.
However what I think Sameer is trying to get at is that the UI though only cosmetic requires a large part of the time and effort and if not done well can screw up even the best and most stable and robust of applications deliveries. And the vice-versa is also true, i.e., a good UI actually makes the client happy and willing to be patient on the other stuff.