I recently got my hands on a copy of Effective Java - Programming Language Guide by Joshua Bloch. I've been meaning to read this book for quite a while now as I've heard nothing but praise from most people I know who have read it. Also, having read Effective C and absolutely loving that book, I'm a little biased because of the title of this book.
So I began reading it and got through the first three chapters and thought to my self: "Hey this is common sense stuff and still there are some common mistakes pointed out too!"
It's always great when someone else (a more famous person than oneself) confirms what one is thinking. Now I'm not trying to say that I've known everything that I've read so far. Quite the contrary I've also learnt a quite a bit of new stuff. Which is exactly why, given my terrible memory I though I should make notes for the same.
Now had I been in the office, I'd have Wiki-ed this. So rather than that, I thought let's start a kind-of series on my blog called Savio's Notes that will track these notes of mine on this and various topics.
As the title of the series suggests, the series is not one that is polished and proper. It is an aid to a quick reference and a summary of sorts of the things I'd like to remember.
I'll use the following convention for the title of the post when I create one that belongs to the series: Savio's Notes: Sub-series: Post title
With that introduction I'll now move to the first post in the series, viz., Savio's Notes: Java Book: Effective Java - Chapter 2 - Item 1 to Item 6