I've had to remove Linux on some systems which were dual bootable with Linux. (As much as I prefer Linux, sometimes Windows is the right system to have)
In the past, I'd used the windows 98 rescue disks and the command:
fdisk /mbr
This worked well for me previously, but this time I had a system without a floppy drive and was at a loss to be able to run fdisk on Windows XP. That's when I found this site and tried the recommendation and ran the following command:
I was intimidated at first by all the messages I saw on the screen, but went ahead boldly and ran everything. And it worked well. I now booted straight into Windows and never went through the grub login screen!
The next step was to get into windows disk manager and drop the linux (and linux swap) partitions and reformat them to NTFS.
Once done, I now have a system free of Linux.