For some reason on my desktop, plugging in the MotoG2 didn't auto mount it. With the Netbook I had got this to happen automatically.
But my terrible memory meant that I forgot what I did. So once again I was searching for a way to get this resolved when I found this site.
The site had detailed instruction on getting an Android phone to mount in Linux. Here's what I did specifically in Fedora 20.
But my terrible memory meant that I forgot what I did. So once again I was searching for a way to get this resolved when I found this site.
The site had detailed instruction on getting an Android phone to mount in Linux. Here's what I did specifically in Fedora 20.
- First I installed the relevant packages
- yum install gvfs-mtp kio_mtp libmtp simple-mtpfs
- Then used the command to find the list of phones
- simple-mtpfs -l
- Finally mount using the following command
- simple-mtpfs
- To remove, all that was required to do was
- sudo umount <mount-point-directory>